I submitted short stories for over twenty years before I had my first sale. Since then, I've placed over four hundred stories, articles, and poems with more than a hundred publications.
Still, the questions I'm asked never change.
"Do you enjoy writing?"
As much as one can enjoy an obsession.
"Have I read anything you've written?"
I don't know. What have you read?
"What did you think of [insert title here]?"
Just because I write doesn't mean I use "Books In Print" as a reading list.
"If you write, why aren't you rich?"
Now THAT's funny.
Stephen D. Rogers
Stephen D. Rogers has written and published over 400 short stories. He makes his home in Massachusetts and is currently Vice-President of the New England chapter of MWA. You can learn more about Stephen and read some of his work at: http://www.stephendrogers.com
Six Things Writers Need To Stop Worrying About
5 years ago